by thrivetrainingconsulting | Jul 14, 2020 | Mental Health, Parents, Teen, Therapy
There is no way of knowing what the long-term impacts of COVID-19 are going to be on children, but helping them to cope now to address their fears, loneliness and uncertainty is critical to growing their resilience and protecting their mental health.
by thrivetrainingconsulting | Feb 27, 2020 | Teen Brain
This online quiz is designed to measure your brain’s psychological flexibility. Does your brain limit you from living your most meaningful life? Could therapy help? Although this quiz is designed specifically for teens and young adults it can be fun and useful for all ages.
by thrivetrainingconsulting | Jul 24, 2019 | Teen, Therapy
Let’s put the old “tough love” myth to rest right now. You know what I mean: The myth that says if you tell your child the “hard truths,” exactly what you think and feel about their behavior and allow life to teach them a difficult lesson, it will set them...
by Thrive Training and Consulting | Jul 19, 2019 | Drug Treatment, Teen
Most of the teens I work with are anxious and even resistant to begin therapy when we first meet. When parents want their kid to start treatment and bring it up, it often ends in one of two way.