by thrivetrainingconsulting | Oct 8, 2019 | Recovery, Substance Abuse, Teen
If this is their first time going to treatment, there is a high chance inpatient drug rehab will not be the best answer to your teen’s substance use. Absolutely, substances are harmful to your teen and treatment will be helpful. However, just like over...
by thrivetrainingconsulting | Sep 24, 2019 | Mental Health, Teen
The idea that someone will change only when they find their rock bottom is inaccurate and dangerous. This thinking wastes valuable time—time in which a teen could be benefiting from early prevention and treatment. Concerning behaviors are likely to worsen and, without...
by thrivetrainingconsulting | Jul 24, 2019 | Teen, Therapy
Let’s put the old “tough love” myth to rest right now. You know what I mean: The myth that says if you tell your child the “hard truths,” exactly what you think and feel about their behavior and allow life to teach them a difficult lesson, it will set them...