by Thrive Training and Consulting | Jul 27, 2021 | ACT, Therapy
The final concept in the ACT Hexaflex is Commitment. Here a client and I will work together to set values-based goals and translate them into meaningful action that can create positive change. The other concepts in ACT provide a framework of support that help the client cope with painful thoughts and feelings that they may encounter as they move forward.
by Thrive Training and Consulting | May 18, 2021 | Mental Health, Teen
The connection young people form with their pets can be enormously beneficial for their mental health. Pets provide a sense of calm, comfort and unconditional love. Just as impactful, is giving a young person the responsibility of caring for and protecting an animal.
by Thrive Training and Consulting | May 11, 2021 | ACT
Helping a client shift their perspective so they are able to understand that thoughts and feelings are distinct from who they are as a person, can be an important step in changing negative and unhealthy thought and behavior patterns. The concept of Self as Context is another principle in ACT that guides this process.
by thrivetrainingconsulting | Feb 4, 2021 | Therapy
Cognitive Defusion, one of the core concepts of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), is a therapeutic approach that I use in my practice to help people cope with the negative thought patterns that fuel depression, anxiety and other mental and behavioral health challenges. Through a series of exercises my clients and I work to limit the power of negative thoughts and see them for what they really are: Just thoughts.
by thrivetrainingconsulting | Aug 25, 2020 | Mental Health, Teen, Teen Brain
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is a therapeutic intervention I frequently use with clients who are stuck in a cycle of destructive or painful thoughts and behaviors. I help clients focus on what really matters to them ¬– rather than being distracted by their negative thoughts – and then we work toward reaching goals so they can live their best life.