Tips for Coping with College Application Anxiety
As a clinician who works mainly with adolescents and teens, I frequently treat juniors and seniors in high school who are feeling immense pressure and anxiety about the college process. This time of year, my senior clients are typically out of the thick of it and are...
How to Talk to Your Child About Underage Drinking
April is National Alcohol Awareness Month. Do you know how to talk to your child about the dangers of underage drinking? Most parents are aware that conversations about substance use should be happening early and often. Where they get stuck is how to broach the...
Overcoming Unhealthy Perfectionism
Has your child come home from school distraught because they didn’t get an A on a test? Do they spend an exorbitant amount of time on homework because they want to do get it just right and feel overwhelmed when they don’t? Do they spend hours practicing and then are...
How to Talk to Your Child About their Mental Health
Talking to your child about their mental health is hard. But by proceeding with caution and patience and following our strategies, you can initiate a productive and important conversation.