Have you ever noticed your thoughts and emotions can ebb and flow, sometimes quite drastically- like the Colorado weather? This is quite normal even for the psychologically healthiest people. But it does mean our impulses, thoughts and emotions can be unreliable in helping us stick to habits that, over time, would add rich value to our lives. In fact, making decisions or acting solely on our thoughts and emotions can lead us to avoid or dismiss the most important actions we could that could bring real meaning and thriving to us over time.

Instead, we can work to improve what is known as psychological flexibility. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy defines psychological flexibility as:

“Actively and openly contacting ongoing experiences in the present moment as a fully conscious human being, without defense and as it serves one’s chosen values.”

In other words, this means holding our own thoughts and emotions a bit more lightly, and acting on longer term values and goals rather than short term impulses, thoughts and feelings.

Does your brain limit you from living your most meaningful life? Could therapy help you build psychological flexibility? Take this quiz to find out. Although this brain quiz is designed specifically for teens and young adults, it is fun and useful for all ages.


Click the image below to begin the this brain quiz, designed to measure your brain’s psychological flexibility.

Link to Is My Brain Broken interactive quiz


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